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Details for Ida Maude Gill

Warrant Number:22260
Forenames:Ida Maude
Gender: Female
Age Group:Adult
Type:Ash Burial
Date of Birth: 26 September 1926 (Sunday)
Date of Death: 19 July 2006 (Wednesday)
Date of Burial:30 December 2006 (Saturday) @ 09:00:00
Cemetery: Taruheru
Block: 25
Plot #: 90
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:In loving memory of SOPHIA HOROWAI JACKSON, died 10 October 1956; and her loved husband, EDWARD ROLAND, died 23 April 1959; also their loved granddaughter, GEORGINA ROBYN KAWENGA, died 19 December 1956 aged 4 months. IDA MAUDE GILL 26 Sept 1926 - 19 Jul 2006.
With love we remember: TOBY KAWENGA 21.11.1932 - 17.1.2006: MAY KAWENGA 24.5.1933 - 3.11.2010: GAYLENE MULLOOLY (nee Kawenga) 30.9.1957 - 14.7.1996.

Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block 25, plot 90.

The following interments are also in this plot

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JacksonRoland EdwardBurialAdult84UnknownUnknown25/04/1959
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KawengaAmos NihaAsh BurialAdult74Unknown17/01/200605/06/2011
KawengaMay LillianAsh BurialAdult77Unknown03/11/201005/06/2011