Online cemetery record search
Search our online cemetery database
You can search by surname and/or given name, or words on the headstone inscription if we have it.
You can also narrow your search by cemetery.
Accuracy of cemetery records
We try to ensure our records are accurate. Because of the nature of historical documents, accuracy of information provided as part of this service, cannot be guaranteed. There may be errors or omissions in the data. If there is any information that you believe is incorrect, please send us the correct information with supporting verification. To tell us about a cemetery record or request details not found online - please fill in the cemetery record change form.
Our earliest records start from 1877 at Makaraka Cemetery. The total number of records in the database is 31,992 with 25,159 at Taruheru Cemetery.
To ensure accuracy, you can cross-reference this information with other sources such as funeral directors' records, newspaper death notices, electoral rolls, or records of transcripts compiled by the NZ Society of Genealogists.
You can also take a look at our new Reference Resources page.