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Details for Joseph James

Warrant Number:580
Gender: Male
Age Group:Adult
Last known address:TOLAGA BAY
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: Unknown
Date of Burial:Unknown
Cemetery: Tolaga Bay
Block: TOLC
Plot #: 15
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:In Memory of JOSEPH JAMES, aged 35 years, drowned while assisting in a brave attempt to rescue the victims of the memorable boat accident on the bar of the Uawa River on the evening of the 11 June 1887; and in memory of the victims also here resting, who perished on that fatal occasion, Mrs E. KIRK, aged 40 years and her children, NELLIE, aged 9 years, RALPH, aged 2 years, and MAUD, aged 1 month. This memorial has been erected by sorrowing friends

Picture of Tolaga Bay cemetery, block TOLC, plot 15.

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