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Details for Euretta June Paulson

Warrant Number:930
Forenames:Euretta June
Gender: Female
Age Group:Child
Age:4 months
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: 24 June 1923 (Sunday)
Date of Burial:25 June 1923 (Monday)
Cemetery: Taruheru
Block: SEC2
Plot #: 821
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription: In loving memory of FREDERICK ARTHUR PAULSON, born 15 January 1888, died 25 July 1966; AGNES DRYSDALE PAULSON, born 24 April 1892, died 23 July 1981. FREDERICK ALEXANDER PAULSON; born 31 Aug 1919, died 12th June 1997. In loving memory of EURETTA JUNE PAULSON, died 24 June 1923 aged 4 months; HELEN GERTRUDE PAULSON, born 29 January 1916, died 30 July 1987.

Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block SEC2, plot 821.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of BirthDate of DeathDate of Burial
PaulsonHelen GertrudeBurialAdult70UnknownUnknown01/08/1987
PaulsonFrederick AlexanderBurialAdult77UnknownUnknown16/06/1997