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Details for Zaida Muriel Ovenden

Warrant Number:6257
Forenames:Zaida Muriel
Gender: Female
Age Group:Adult
Denomination:Christian Science
Date of Birth: 22 September 1903 (Tuesday)
Date of Death: 27 November 1948 (Saturday)
Date of Burial:29 November 1948 (Monday)
Cemetery: Taruheru
Block: 7
Plot #: 128
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:OVENDEN :- BOYD ALISON, 22 June 1937; ZAIDA MURIEL, 26 November 1948; FRANCIS EON, 20 December 1969; STUART ESKDALE, 15 March 1961.

Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block 7, plot 128. Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block 7, plot 128.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of BirthDate of DeathDate of Burial
OvendenBoyd AlisonBurialAdult15UnknownUnknown23/06/1937
OvendenStuart EskdaleBurialAdult58UnknownUnknown18/03/1961
OvendenFrancis EonBurialAdult73UnknownUnknown22/12/1969
HerivelTe RuaAsh BurialAdult83UnknownUnknown19/12/1980