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Details for Ada Mary Niven

Warrant Number:4221
Forenames:Ada Mary
Age Group:Adult
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: Unknown
Date of Burial:02 November 1942 (Monday)
Cemetery: Taruheru
Block: 15
Plot #: 89
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:In loving memory of ADA MARY, beloved wife of W J NIVEN, died 31 October 1942 aged 69; also WILLIAM JAMES NIVEN, died 23 May 1944 aged 67.

also ELAINE MARGARET, daughter of P & E NIVEN, accidentally drowned 15 December 1946, 11 years & 6 months.

In loving memory of EVA AGNES NIVEN, died 27.2.1982 aged 76 years and her loved husband PERCIVAL OWEN NIVEN, died 27.6.1982 aged 79 years. Loved parents of Keith, Alex & Elaine.

NIVEN: In loving memory of ALEXANDER MAXWELL (Alex), died 6 May 2005 aged 73 years. loved father of Malcolm, Ross, Rhonda & Lyrs.

Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block 15, plot 89.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of BirthDate of DeathDate of Burial
NivenElaine MargaretBurialChild11Unknown15/12/1946Unknown
NivenWm Jas MaxwellBurialAdult68UnknownUnknown26/05/1944
NivenEva AgnesAsh BurialAdult76UnknownUnknown01/03/1982
NivenAlexander MaxwellAsh BurialAdult73UnknownUnknown13/05/2005