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Details for Sabina Mary Smith

Warrant Number:3466
Forenames:Sabina Mary
Age Group:Adult
Denomination:Roman Catholic Church
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: Unknown
Date of Burial:10 January 1939 (Tuesday)
Cemetery: Taruheru
Block: 7
Plot #: 43
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:In loving memory of ELIZABETH MARY SMITH (mother), died 18 February 1935 aged 71 years; also Pte W A SMITH, killed in France, 3 December 1917; also SABINA MARY (Bini), beloved wife of David P SMITH, died 9 January 1939 aged 48 years. R.I.P. Peace perfect peace.

also ARTHUR GORDON SMITH, passed away 2 July 1954; ELLEN MAY V SMITH, passed away 30 September 1969.

ARTHUR DAVID HAYSOM SMITH, 29.4.1927 - 25.3.2007. Forever in our hearts.

Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block 7, plot 43.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of BirthDate of DeathDate of Burial
SmithW AMemorialAdultUnknown03/12/1917Unknown
SmithMary ElizabethBurialAdult71UnknownUnknown19/02/1935
SmithArthur GordonBurialAdult68UnknownUnknown05/07/1954
SmithPeter JohnBurialInfant0UnknownUnknown31/07/1957
SmithEllen MayBurialAdult72UnknownUnknown02/10/1969
SmithArthur David HaysomAsh BurialAdult7929/04/1927Unknown26/04/2007
SmithMoirene JuneAsh BurialAdult8302/09/192418/11/200729/05/2015