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Details for Ronald Bruce McNee

Warrant Number:33237
Forenames:Ronald Bruce
Gender: Male
Age Group:Adult
Type:Ash Burial
Date of Birth: 27 December 1947 (Saturday)
Date of Death: 24 February 2022 (Thursday)
Date of Burial:24 June 2024 (Monday) @ 12:00:00
Cemetery: Taruheru
Block: 28
Plot #: 344
Map Location:View on Map

Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block 28, plot 344.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of DeathDate of Burial
McNeeMalcolm JohnBurialAdult2020/06/196923/06/1969
McNeeClara AnnBurialAdult6325/09/198228/09/1982
HillAlfredAsh BurialAdult79Unknown16/09/2006
McNeeColin GrahamAsh BurialAdult7223/03/202424/06/2024