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Details for Henry William Barnes

Warrant Number:22673
Forenames:Henry William
Gender: Male
Age Group:Adult
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: Unknown
Date of Burial:11 June 2008 (Wednesday) @ 11:00:00
Funeral Director:Evans Funeral Services Ltd
Cemetery: Taruheru
Block: 40
Plot #: 378
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:In Loving Memory of HENRY WILLIAMS BARNES The Old Soldier, much loved Husband, Father, Grandfather & Great Grandfather. Born 15 March 1919 Died 9 June 2008.
and EVA MAEBE BARNES (nee HOVELL) Wonderful was your love for us Lovingly cherished Wife, Mother, Grandmother & Great Grandmother.
Born 10 September 1917 Died 26 March 2014.
Forever in Our Hearts. Our bodies are buried in brokenness but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness but they will be raised in strength

Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block 40, plot 378.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of BirthDate of DeathDate of Burial
BarnesEva MaebeBurialAdult9610/09/191726/03/201431/03/2014