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Details for Hope Allen

Warrant Number:21668
Gender: Female
Age Group:Adult
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: Unknown
Date of Burial:16 March 2005 (Wednesday) @ 09:30:00
Funeral Director:Evans Funeral Services Ltd
Cemetery: Taruheru
Block: SEC2
Plot #: 685
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:ALLEN - In loving memory of MARGARET ELLEN (LYONS), dearly loved wife of Jack Selwyn, a devoted wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother, died 4 March 1995 aged 79 years. R.I.P. JACK SELWYN Dearly loved husband of Margaret Ellen, a devoted husband, father, Grandfather & Great Grandfather. Died 7th October 2005 aged 91 years. R.I.P. In loving memory of our dad TREVOR PATRICK ALLEN ( Alf ) 14 March 1950 - 27th September 2003 Dearly loved and adored father of Rebecca and Angalene, son of Jack & Margaret ALLEN. Cherished Brother, Uncle & friend to so many. You will forever be in our hearts & our memories. We Love you Dad. XX In loving memory of LANCELOT CHAS , beloved husband of Amy ALLEN, died 21 October 1922 aged 53 years. At rest from earthly toil. Also his beloved wife, AMY, died 24 November 1949 aged 72 years. In loving memory of GRANT (Bun) ALLEN, 1919-1985. and his loved wife HOPE ( Trixie ) ALLEN 1922 - 2005.

Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block SEC2, plot 685.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of BirthDate of DeathDate of Burial
AllenLancelot CharlesBurialAdult53UnknownUnknown23/10/1922
AllenCleve EdmondAsh BurialAdult7626/11/191607/03/199319/08/2020