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Details for Matewai Karauria

Warrant Number:15960
Gender: Female
Age Group:Adult
Date of Birth: 02 November 1927 (Wednesday)
Date of Death: 04 May 1999 (Tuesday)
Date of Burial:10 May 1999 (Monday)
Funeral Director:Evans Funeral Services Ltd
Cemetery: Taruheru
Block: 38
Plot #: 240
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription: In loving memory of MATEWAI KARAURIA, born 2.11.1927 - died 4.5.1999 in Sydney. Darling wife of Jim, loving mum, nan and friend. Our love goes with you on your long journey home. Memories we'll treasure every day. Te kotuku tahi kapua kauheka iho a tane ahine kai te hono onga wairua. O-Aotearoa.

Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block 38, plot 240.

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