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Details for Sarah Emma Jane Spence

Warrant Number:12000
Forenames:Sarah Emma Jane
Gender: Female
Age Group:Adult
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: Unknown
Date of Burial:28 May 1968 (Tuesday)
Cemetery: Taruheru
Block: SEC2
Plot #: 550
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:FLORA, dearly loved second daughter of Thomas Bruce & Jean SPENCE, who died 7 July 1922 aged 4 years & 7 months. Remembrance, THOMAS BRUCE, dearly beloved husband of Jean SPENCE, died 24 June 1932 aged 63 years; and his beloved wife, JEAN, died 27 May 1968 aged 78 years. MAURICE GORDON, beloved husband of Jessie SPENCE, father of Robyn & John, died 2 September 1955 aged 40 years. And JESSIE SPENCE 1911 - 2003. A loved mother and wife. Remembrance, BRUCE LESLIE JOHN SPENCE, 1914-1985. and his loved wife ELIZABETH TREVOR 1911 - 2006. Treasured memories KIRSTY LOW KYLE 28.01.1947 - 15.9.1972. Loved wife of George. Loved mother of Nina. Loved daughter of Bruce & Elizabeth SPENCE. In loving memory of JAMES MARSHALL SPENCE 1928 - 2004. Dearly loved husband of Isabella & a loved Father and Grandpa. In loving memory of MARGARET COLEMAN ( nee SPENCE ) 11.3.1919 - 14.2.1975. Wife of Frank and mother of Brenda, Christine and Dawne.

Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block SEC2, plot 550. Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block SEC2, plot 550. Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block SEC2, plot 550. Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block SEC2, plot 550.

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