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Details for Lillian Cora Greaves

Warrant Number:11663
Forenames:Lillian Cora
Gender: Female
Age Group:Adult
Denomination:Anglican / Church Of England
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: Unknown
Date of Burial:14 February 1967 (Tuesday)
Cemetery: Taruheru
Block: SEC3
Plot #: 1218
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:GREAVES - In loving memory of BENJAMIN (Ben), beloved husband of Theresa Greaves, died 21 November 1927 aged 60 years; and his wife, THERESA, died 28 June 1962 aged 92 years. Thy will be done.

In loving memory of JOSEPH SAMUEL STANLEY GREAVES, died 13 September 1954 aged 48 years. At rest. Also JOSEPH EDWARD, died 14 July 1942 aged 11 years. At rest. Also BENJAMIN HEWITT, died 24 May 1951 aged 48 years. God knew best. In loving memory of LILLIAN CORA GREAVES, died 12 February 1967 aged 57 years. At rest. In loving memory of NORMAN HEWITT GREAVES Died 24.8/1998 aged 64 years. A loved father. In loving memory of ARTHUR SAMUEL GREAVES, loved husband and father, died 21 September 1994 aged 58 years.

Picture of Taruheru cemetery, block SEC3, plot 1218.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of BirthDate of DeathDate of Burial
GreavesNorman HewittBurialAdult64Unknown24/08/1998Unknown
GreavesBenjamin EdwdBurialAdult59UnknownUnknown30/11/1927
GreavesJoseph EdwardBurialChild11Unknown14/07/194217/07/1942
GreavesBenjamin HewittBurialAdult48Unknown24/05/195126/05/1951
GreavesJoseph Stanley SBurialAdult48Unknown13/09/195416/09/1954
GreavesArthur SamuelBurialAdult59UnknownUnknown23/09/1994