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Details for Albert Mount Newman

Warrant Number:128
Forenames:Albert Mount
Gender: Male
Age Group:Adult
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: 31 July 1919 (Thursday)
Date of Burial:02 August 1919 (Saturday)
Cemetery: Ormond
Block: ORM1
Plot #: 43
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:In loving memory of ALBERT GEORGE NEWMAN, born 5 January 1885, died 13 December 1920.
In loving memory of ALBERT MOUNT NEWMAN, died 31 July 1919 aged 79 years; And FREDERICK HARRISON NEWMAN, born 22 July 1895, died 29 July 1896; Also PHOEBE NEWMAN, died 26 May 1934 aged 76 years.
Also the ashes of their son ROYDEN HIBBERT NEWMAN, 21 September 1899 - 22 February 1985 and his beloved wife MARY, 11 May 1904 - 1 November 1987. Loved parents of Hilary and Pamela.

Picture of Ormond cemetery, block ORM1, plot 43. Picture of Ormond cemetery, block ORM1, plot 43. Picture of Ormond cemetery, block ORM1, plot 43.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of BirthDate of DeathDate of Burial
NewmanRoyden HibbertAsh BurialAdult8521/09/189922/02/1985Unknown
NewmanMayAsh BurialAdult8311/05/190401/11/1987Unknown