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Details for Constance Mary Rutledge

Warrant Number:3966
Forenames:Constance Mary
Gender: Female
Age Group:Adult
Denomination:Anglican / Church Of England
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: Unknown
Date of Burial:10 December 1960 (Saturday)
Cemetery: Makaraka
Block: MKE
Plot #: 1547
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:EDITH ANN LUCY REYNOLDS, born 28 June 1848, died 19 November 1937.
RICHARD JAMES REYNOLDS, born 16 January 1845, died 13 January 1924.
In loving memory of CONSTANCE MARY RUTLEDGE, beloved wife of William Leslie, and mother of Judith Mary, Neil Farnham, Keith Ralph & Edith Diana, in her 80th year, 1960.
WILLIAM LESLIE RUTLEDGE, died 2 June 1971.\\JOHN JAMIESON, dearly loved husband of Alice Leonora Jamieson, died 17 November 1921 aged 59 years.
RALPH REYNOLDS, son of Richard James Reynolds, died 26 December 1913 aged 32 years.
In loving memory of ALICE LEONORA DOWDING, beloved wife of Charles and loved stepmother of John & Evelyn, 15 Janaury 1874 - 18 May 1965.

Picture of Makaraka cemetery, block MKE, plot 1547.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of BirthDate of DeathDate of Burial
DowdingAlice LeonoraBurialAdult9115/01/187418/05/196520/05/1965
RutledgeWilliam LeslieBurialAdult94UnknownUnknown14/06/1971