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Details for Joseph Stevenson

Warrant Number:3663
Gender: Male
Age Group:Adult
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: Unknown
Date of Burial:03 November 1934 (Saturday)
Cemetery: Makaraka
Block: MKM
Plot #: 1054
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:In loving memory of ARTHUR HARRY, the eldest beloved son of Joseph & Louisa STEVENSON, late of Lemington Spa, England, born 7 July 1886, died 2 June 1907.
With sweetest memory of LOUISA, beloved wife of Joseph STEVENSON, born 7 August 1860, died 28 June 1931. Sad is the parting of a faithful wife and devoted mother. Unselfish life nobly lived. Sadly missed by all.
In loving memory of JOSEPH, beloved husband of Louisa STEVENSON, born 6 December 1860, died 1 November 1934.

Picture of Makaraka cemetery, block MKM, plot 1054.

Historic picture of Makaraka cemetery, block MKM, plot 1054.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of BirthDate of DeathDate of Burial
StevensonArthur HBurialAdult20UnknownUnknown03/06/1907
StevensonFrederick Wm JosephBurialAdult42UnknownUnknown05/09/1935