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Details for Ina Annie Bushnell

Warrant Number:3334
Forenames:Ina Annie
Gender: Female
Age Group:Adult
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: Unknown
Date of Burial:26 October 1920 (Tuesday)
Cemetery: Makaraka
Block: MKB
Plot #: 110
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:To the memory of INA ANNIE, dearly beloved second daughter of Herbert J & Cecilia BUSHNELL, who passed from this life 25 October 1920 aged 25 years. Her chosen verse, Come unto me and I will give you rest; also ERNEST JAMES, aged 2 1/2 years; MILDRED WYNNE, beloved youngest daughter, died 8 July 1922 aged 25 years; AMY CECILIA, beloved eldest daughter. died 31 July 1922 aged 35 years. At Rest.
In loving memory of HERBERT JAMES BUSHNELL, died 5 August 1940 aged 89 years; also of CECILIA BUSHNELL, his wife, died 26 June 1944 aged 88 years.

Picture of Makaraka cemetery, block MKB, plot 110. Picture of Makaraka cemetery, block MKB, plot 110.

Historic picture of Makaraka cemetery, block MKB, plot 110.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of BirthDate of DeathDate of Burial
BushnellErnest JamesBurialInfant2UnknownUnknown24/07/1886
BushnellAmy CeciliaBurialAdult35UnknownUnknown01/08/1922