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Details for John Long

Warrant Number:2418
Gender: Male
Age Group:Adult
Denomination:Anglican / Church Of England
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Death: Unknown
Date of Burial:18 May 1911 (Thursday)
Cemetery: Makaraka
Block: MKC
Plot #: 1373
Map Location:View on Map
Inscription:Sacred to the memory of JOHN, the beloved husband of Elizabeth Ellen LONG, who departed this life 17 May 1910 aged 56 years; ELIZABETH ELLEN, beloved wife of John LONG, cremated Auckland, 6 March 1946 aged 88 years.
Also WALLACE, beloved son of J & E E LONG, died 20 May 1933 aged 44 years.
Also ALBERT ERIC LONG, beloved son of A F Long, passed away Greenlane Hospital, 23 January 1958 in his 38th year.
Also ALBERT F LONG, beloved son of J & E E Long and father of Albert E Long, died 30 July 1967 in his 87th year.

Picture of Makaraka cemetery, block MKC, plot 1373. Picture of Makaraka cemetery, block MKC, plot 1373. Picture of Makaraka cemetery, block MKC, plot 1373. Picture of Makaraka cemetery, block MKC, plot 1373.

Historic picture of Makaraka cemetery, block MKC, plot 1373.

The following interments are also in this plot

SurnameForenamesTypeAge GroupAgeDate of BirthDate of DeathDate of Burial
LongWallace Phillmore JackBurialAdult44UnknownUnknown21/05/1933
LongElizabeth EllenBurialAdult88UnknownUnknown01/05/1946
LongEric AlbertBurialAdult37UnknownUnknown25/01/1958
LongAlbert FrederickBurialAdult86UnknownUnknown10/08/1967